Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Film Intro Survey

1. What is the first movie that really made a strong impression on you?
The Princess Bride-I watched it all the time and loved the story telling; I remember being scared of the R.O.U.S.

2. What are 3-4 of your favorite genres?
Psychological Thriller, Indie/Arthouse, Action/Adventure, Historical

3. What are 3-4 of your LEAST favorite genres?
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Foreign

4. What are your five favorite films?
Good Will Hunting, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Dark Knight, Memento, Into The Wild

5. List three characteristics of what you consider to be a good movie.
Engaging (makes you think), unpredictable, pushes boundaries/challenges conventions

6. What are some of your least favorite movies?
The Rum Diary, Animal Farm, Spider Man 2

7. List three characteristics of what you consider to be a bad movie.
Predictable, repetitive/unoriginal, made for money

8. If you have any favorite directors, list them
Christopher Nolan, Tim Burton

9. If you have any favorite actors/actresses, list them
Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jennifer Lawrence, Christian Bale

10. List 3 films that you consider important films for people to see
Forrest Gump, Good Will Hunting, The Pianist

11. What's your oldest favorite film?
The Shining

12. What's the best movie you've seen that's been released in the past 2 years?
The Dark Knight Rises

13. What are the next five films on your queue?
Pulp Fiction, The Boondock Saints, Reservoir Dogs, American Hustle, Prince Avalanche

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